I board a high speed train and leave Guangzhou behind for Shenzhen. In Shenzhen, I will meet with 3 factories and possibly a distributer if there is time. Navigating China without a host or guide can be fun when you are on vacation, but for business matters it is a drag. That's how I felt as I entered the Guangzhou train station. Fortunately, the signs are printed in Chinese
and English (most of them, at least) and there was no real risk of my getting lost. I just have to learn that when I'm alone, I'm really alone - almost no one is in the position to help me. Sometimes, not even the person at the help counter. So I will usually pay the highest fare and go the hardest way. But look what
HKJim pulled from under his hat! I have hired a translator/guide to help me in my business travels. I am a genius! Ida, was waiting for me at the train station in Shenzhen, acquired my taxi, making sure I was getting the most favorable rate, and handled my hotel reservations with aplomb! I had no communications problems. I had contacted Ida before checking out of Guangzhou, and expained to her what was to be expected and my schedule, so she already knew where to go and how we should get there. It was so nice not feeling lost and not wasting time explaining to people what I want. Unfortunately, I had to make a sudden change in my itinerary to see a factory in Zhe Jiang (a two hour flight). It was an uncomfortable, but necessary diversion from my schedule. I won't go into details, but I just flew in and immediately flew out after doing my business. Now back in Shenzhen. After checking into the hotel, another 5 star, Asian contemporary work of art, we concentrated on my first order of business: a glass factory. Ida contacted Mr. Wang, my contact at the factory and convinced him to come to my room to talk. In short time Mr. Wang and his engineer were knocking on my door.
We had a good collaboration, thanks in no small part to the help of my translator. We then proceeded to his factory where we took the tour and the coffee. My camera's battery was dead so I didn't bring it. Too bad. His glassware was exquisite. He makes everything from huge vessels and vases to small stemware and shot glasses. Dodgy side of town, in a dodgy building, but I was impressed with his work. I really think he can give us what we need. We finally got back and went our next call: a company that manufactures survelliance and ip cameras. Here I met my contact Nova Sue and her boss. Took tour, drank water. They may be able to help us in the future. It was a good visit. By now I'm getting to be very tired, but I have a very tight schedule so I must move on. I meet Eileen at her Acrylic Factory. It was 1 1/2 hour away, but still in Shenzhen! What a huge city! We were at a hectic pace, now. Like typhoons! She had a plain non-distinct facade with a scary freight elevator to enter. But as always, everyone was pleasant and professional. Of course, more coffee was had by all and the tour commenced. It was a tiring day. So tiring that when I finally got back to my hotel, sent Ida off with her well earned pay, I went fast asleep in my room, not even eating a snack. It was a hot, busy, but productive day. A good second day of business.
Here are pics for those who are interested.

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