There are many stories and pictures about the poverty in China and I can tell you that most of them are not exaggerated. There are miles and miles of high rise apartments as far as the eye can see. The high-rises in Shenzhen remind me of the ones on the Florida coast, if they were neglected for 50 years. The dogs and cats are skeletons. And the smell of China is strong. But the spirit of China is also strong and these people are proud. I will not take pictures of the squalor I see. I have too much respect for these people. There is garbage in the streets just off the main road. As I walk along, I try to reconcile the beauty I see in so many places in the city with this. It is sad, but interesting. As I walk along, people call out to me. Woman giggle. The Chinese are more open at night.
I pass a friendly lady cooking stir fry. I decide to give the local cuisine another try. More vegetables. A group of youngsters in the next bench seat share their beer and laughs with me. They offer to toast. I let them. It is the rare communication we can have between us. A man comes out of the shadows to shake my hand and smile. As I return to my room, it is 2:15 a.m. and for a moment, I feel like a part of China.

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